Thursday, October 25, 2012


I liked these tree trunks. I had hoped to bring out a little more rich color in processing, but I haven't quite figured out how to pump the browns. I tried adding a little black, but it just darkened the overall image.


  1. Nice framing, and I like the rich colors of the tree bark and golden leaves.

  2. I don't think the colors need to be adjusted...I think the contrast in the bark is perfect. Just wondering if a soft blend mode would do what you are wanting to do??

  3. I like the way the two trunks frame the tree with the leaves in the background. I wonder if you muted the saturation of the foreground trunks if that would give you the effect you want--they would still frame the tree, but the autumn colors of the leaves would stand out better.

  4. wonderful shot, beautiful tones, texture, the framing is too cool, how could you make this any better?

  5. Awesome textures and tones!!!
    Did you try adjusting midtones in the lighting?

  6. I love these warm tones and the great texture on the trunks and that great framing.
    My monitor isn't calibrated but I think if you pumped up the color it wouldn't look real.

  7. Nice shot as well.... try saturating the reds and oranges......

  8. Great framing! If it were mine, I'd just play with some of the presets in LR and see what happened.


What do you think?