Tuesday, October 27, 2009

In our town...

...the town Fathers recently unveiled a new sculpture near our river-front bike path. The best view of it has tons of power lines behind it, so I took a photo from the side.

I also shot the base, from the front, catching the reflection of a beautiful maple tree. This image reminds me of Iona's orbs!


  1. This is a beautiful sculpture, love that base, very mod! :)

  2. Very cool shot! I love the colors you got in the base.

  3. You're right about that base and the orbs - it's very cool!

  4. Too bad about the power lines. The base really is neat. Nice find.

  5. I like the lines of the sculpture and the nice flare. Wonderful reflections in the base, they do look distorted in a fun and color rich way.


What do you think?