Monday, February 8, 2010

Downy comes back

The "alone" Downy Woodpecker was back yesterday. Caught him having a little suet lunch.

Shutter: 1/250, 5/6.3, ISO 400, 270mm hand held, Sports mode


  1. One of my favorite birds. Nice work getting the seeds to show up.
    Hope you have more birds soon. I am ready for warmer weather.

  2. Oh so pretty. Your sports setting worked well for you!

  3. I think you have made a friend for supply the food and he'll be the model for your pics LOL Nice capture and wonderful clarity!

  4. The bokeh in this shot really punches out the image of the foreground. Isn't it great when visitors come back (Sometimes)

  5. Val, you asked about our cardinal numbers--fill a feeder with only black oil sunflower seed. We get a dozen and more male cardinals at a time. If you want to attract woodpeckers and some wonderful small birds, try peanuts, shelled or unshelled. Nuthatches will actually tame quickly and take shelled peanuts right from your open palm. To get the best price on peanuts, try buying in bulk from a feed/seed store (farm store/grain mill) rather than from a bird or variety store.


What do you think?