Saturday, September 4, 2010

A single, solitary heron . . .

. . . amidst a flock of Canadian Geese. What was he thinking, I wonder?

I used my Sports mode on this, and the camera overexposed the heron just a bit. I took mattafoto's advice from the last bird shot and burned the beak and other high-lit spots in this image. I think it was an improvement - so thanks for the idea! :-)


  1. Hey, he goes where the party is! :) Good idea about the burning...I'm writing that one down!

  2. A man amongst boys! Glad you took my advise and let me know if you need any more help....nice shot!

  3. I like this a lot, the heron really pops out and not just from the height. Maybe the Canadian dollar is up again and the geese hired the heron for a look-out.

  4. He's not doing a very good job of blending in incogito!

  5. He's waiting for someone to throw bread in the water to those geese. The bread brings up the fish, and breakfast is served.

  6. Great capture for the theme. I love the herons but living on a lake the geese drive me crazy! We have to put up a snow fence to keep them off the lawn.

  7. That is a peculiar scene! Usually the herons are so solitary. At least in my view....

  8. [url= ]Мужчины, которых выбирают опытные женщины [/url]
    вот, моя любимая женщина (но я не вместе, простой я её люблю, а она пока меня как друга) удалилась из контакта, я хочу чтоб она вернулась обратно, я просил несколько немного чтоб она не удалялась (причинность там всё действительно мне удобно с ней общаться) но она сказала Так надо......вот я и думаю извещать не большую надпись для асфальте: ВЕРНИСЬ В КОНТАКТ! который скажите?))


What do you think?