Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Free theme: Hefty

Jon and I spent a morning in the Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch in Gilbert, AZ, enjoying the weather and the many species of birds. This fellow was serious about his bird photography, sporting a hefty, camo lens.


  1. Boy does he TRUST that tripod coupling - I don't.

  2. He does have a hefty amount of equipment to shoot the birds.

  3. wow. I wonder if he takes good photos. It would be a bit sad if he has all of that gear and is a bad photographer!

  4. Looks like weight training to me!

  5. Wow. Bet he works out at the gym. Might be great for sneaking up on birds, but he can't get stealth shots at Barnes & Noble or the local library with that equipment!

  6. Is this Jon, or is it coincidental that he is wearing a Sox hat? And is that a canteen on his Bat Utility Belt?


What do you think?